15 people working, 4 each week, & these

4 working each quarter how do I divide
them up so everyone will work a quarter of a year

To divide 15 people into groups so that each person works a quarter of a year, you need to consider both the number of people working each week and the number of people working each quarter.

First, let's look at the number of people working each week. You have 15 people in total, and each week, 4 people work. To determine how many weeks it will take for all 15 people to work, divide the total number of people by the number of people working each week:

Total number of people ÷ Number of people working each week = Number of weeks

15 ÷ 4 = 3.75 weeks

Since we cannot have a fraction of a week, we round this number up to the nearest whole number. This means it will take at least 4 weeks for all 15 people to work.

Now let's move on to the number of people working each quarter. You want 4 people to work each quarter. Since there are 4 quarters in a year, the total number of people working per year would be:

Number of people working per quarter × Number of quarters = Total number of people working per year

4 × 4 = 16 people

Since you only have 15 people, it is not possible to have exactly 4 people working each quarter while ensuring that every person works a quarter of the year. In this case, you will have to assign a slightly different schedule to ensure that each person gets as close as possible to working a quarter.

One possible arrangement could be to have 4 people working for 4 weeks in each quarter and then rotate one person between quarters. This way, 12 people will have worked for 12 weeks each (or a quarter of a year), and the remaining 3 people will have worked for 8 weeks each. However, keep in mind that this schedule may not be ideal or equally fair for everyone.

Alternatively, you may need to consider adjusting the number of people or the duration of work to ensure each person can work a quarter of a year.