Simplify: x^3+x^3

My answer was : 2x^6 is this incorrect because my test the teacher had marked it wrong as if he was saying that it. Was going to be. 2x^3 instead


1 x^3 + 1 x^3 = 2 x^3

1 apple + 1 apple = 2 apples

Ok thankyou

To simplify the expression x^3 + x^3, you need to combine the like terms. In this case, both terms have the same base, which is x, and the same exponent, which is 3.

To combine the terms, you add the coefficients (the numbers in front of the variable) of the like terms. In this case, the coefficient of x^3 is 1, so you have 1x^3 + 1x^3. Adding the coefficients, you get 1 + 1 = 2.

The resulting simplified expression is 2x^3, not 2x^6 as you initially answered. It seems like you might have mistakenly applied the exponent of 6 instead of 3.

Remember that when adding or subtracting terms with the same base and exponent, you only combine the coefficients and keep the base and exponent unchanged.