in the diagram below, <G and <H are complementary. What is the measure of G?

a)20 b)30 c)40 d)50

inside G they have a problem saying (2x+10)degrees. i relly need help into solving these kind of problems trying to find degrees of each angle but i cant remember the formula. PLEASE HELP

We do not have access to your diagram.

To find the measure of angle G, you need to know that angle G and angle H are complementary angles. Complementary angles are two angles that add up to 90 degrees.

In this case, you can use the given information about angle G being (2x+10) degrees. To find the value of x and then the measure of angle G, you will set up an equation.

Let's set up the equation:

(2x+10) + angle H = 90

Since angle H is complementary to angle G, the sum of the two angles is equal to 90 degrees. Now, you need to solve for x.

First, let's isolate (2x+10) on one side of the equation:

2x + 10 = 90 - angle H

Next, let's isolate x by subtracting 10 from both sides of the equation:

2x = 80 - angle H

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for x:

x = (80-angle H)/2

Now that you have the value of x, you can substitute it back into the expression for angle G to find its measure.

angle G = 2x + 10

angle G = 2((80-angle H)/2) + 10

Simplifying further:

angle G = 80 - angle H + 10

angle G = 90 - angle H

From the options you provided, to find the measure of angle G, you need to know the measure of angle H. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the exact measure of angle G.