A student observed two different types of cells under a microscope. She noticed that one cell had many more mitochondria than the other. What can the student predict about the cell with more mitochondria?


The cell produces more waste.

The cell makes more proteins.

The cell responds to more external stimuli.

The cell undergoes more cellular respiration.

E. The cell is a mitochondriac and has an intense passion for the powerhouses of the cell!

D. The cell undergoes more cellular respiration.

To predict what can be inferred about the cell with more mitochondria, we need to understand the function of mitochondria in the cell.

Mitochondria are known as the powerhouses of the cell because they are responsible for producing energy through a process called cellular respiration. In this process, mitochondria convert glucose and oxygen into ATP, the energy currency of the cell.

Therefore, if a cell has more mitochondria, it can be inferred that the cell undergoes more cellular respiration. The correct answer is D. The cell undergoes more cellular respiration.