if Earth's axis were not tilted,could any area have both a hot summer and a cold winter?

No, because the tilt causes the seasons to change. So if the Earth's axis wasn't tilted it would be the same season all year.

No. There would be no different seasons and there would be the same seasons all year

If Earth's axis were not tilted, the seasons as we know them would not exist. The tilt of Earth's axis is what causes variations in sunlight and temperature throughout the year, resulting in the different seasons.

In the absence of a tilted axis, the distribution of sunlight would be more uniform throughout the year. This means that there would be no significant differences in temperature patterns between different latitudes. So, there wouldn't be any areas experiencing extreme temperature variations like hot summers and cold winters.

Instead, the climate would be more consistent throughout the year, with relatively similar temperatures across the entire planet.

If Earth's axis were not tilted, and it remained perpendicular to its orbit around the sun, there would be no significant seasonal variations in temperature. Without any tilt, the sun's rays would directly hit the equator all year round. This means that areas near the equator would have relatively consistent temperatures throughout the year, and there wouldn't be distinct hot summers and cold winters.

However, it's important to note that there are other factors besides Earth's tilt that can influence local temperature variations, such as proximity to oceans, altitude, prevailing wind patterns, and land surface characteristics. These factors can still create variations in temperature even without the axial tilt.

If you want to explore further, you can observe the current pattern of weather and temperature variations across different regions. Climate data and historical weather records are available from various meteorological organizations and weather websites. By analyzing this data, you can gain a better understanding of the complex mechanisms that contribute to seasonal temperature variations in different regions.