original thread:


1. Water is the source of life. We all depend on it. Water is important, and we cannot survive a week without it.

2. Water should be free; it is a basic need for living. We should not consider buying bottled water.

3. Agricultures use chemical to increase farming productivity but it pollutes water from the ground, automobiles releases toxins that pollutes the clouds, over 60% of wetlands in the world has been destroyed in the past hundreds of years.

4. The world is deserting; we are running out of water. This can cause of changes of the earth’ structure which causes earthquakes and potentially a tsunami.

5. More people live in the city than those in country side and the number grows every day. Clearly, that there is more un pave than pave land in the world because of this a hydrologist predict that 50 years from now there will be a collapse of the planets water structure.

6. Private companies like nestle started to sell bottled water, the comparison of price compare to tap water is significant. Bottled water is not healthier than tap water but it is just a healthy alternative because it’s easy to access and it’s been sterilized.

7. Some countries like India are struggling to have access with water. If they don’t have money they will die by not having to afford water. This problem forms a conflict to the people which result killing one another.

8. Private companies use to treat water like oil and start to make money from it. They will water in different parts of the world. They don’t care if the all the water from that lake or sea will run out all they want is money.

9. The best way to fight privatization of water is to ensure that we have enough water in our home so that the demand of water in market will be lessen.

10. Water is important and people take it for granted. We can help to conserve water in many simple ways. We can do this by using low flow of water when using shower, turn off the water in the sink when brushing or shaving, and so on.

1 and 2 are OK.

3. Agricultures use chemical to increase farming productivity but it pollutes water from the ground, automobiles releases toxins that pollutes the clouds, over 60% of wetlands in the world has been destroyed in the past hundreds of years.

Fix all run-ons.

The original thread discusses various points about the importance of water and the issues related to its availability and usage. Here is a breakdown of the main ideas presented in each paragraph:

1. The first paragraph emphasizes the significance of water as the source of life, highlighting that it is essential for our survival.

2. The second paragraph argues that water should be freely accessible as it is a basic necessity. The idea is to discourage purchasing bottled water and promote the use of tap water instead.

3. The third paragraph points out some activities that contribute to water pollution, such as the use of chemicals in agriculture, toxins released by automobiles, and the depletion of wetlands.

4. In the fourth paragraph, there is a concern that the world is running out of water, which could lead to changes in the Earth's structure and natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis.

5. The fifth paragraph mentions that the majority of the global population lives in cities, resulting in more unpaved land compared to paved areas. A hydrologist predicts a collapse of the planet's water structure in 50 years.

6. The sixth paragraph discusses the rise of private companies selling bottled water. It acknowledges that bottled water is not necessarily healthier than tap water but highlights its convenience and sterilization.

7. The seventh paragraph highlights the water scarcity issue in countries like India and the severe consequences it can have, including conflicts and loss of lives.

8. The eighth paragraph describes how some private companies treat water as a commodity to make a profit. They exploit water sources without concern for depleting them completely.

9. In response to water privatization, the ninth paragraph suggests that ensuring enough water in homes can reduce the demand for privatized water.

10. The final paragraph emphasizes the importance of conserving water and suggests simple ways to do so, like using low-flow showerheads and turning off the water when not in use.

By examining the main ideas of each paragraph, we can understand the key points discussed in the original thread about the importance of water and the various challenges related to its availability and usage.