i need help in forming my ideas into good sentences. i taken all these ideas from a movie that we watch from the class

1. Water is the source of life, we all depend on it,Water is important, We cannot survive a week without water
2. Water should be free, it is a basic need for living, We should not consider buying this bottled water.
3. Agricultures use chemical to increase farming productivity but it pollutes water from the ground, automobiles releases toxins that pollutes the clouds, over 60% of wetlands in the world has been destroyed in the past hundreds of years.
4. The world is deserting, we are running out of water . this can cause of changes of the earth’ structure which causes earthquakes and potentially a tsunami.
5. More people live in the city than those in country side and the number grows everyday. Clearly, that there is more un pave than pave land in the world because of this a hydrologist predict that 50 years from now there will be a collapse of the planets water structure.
6. Private companies like nestle started to sell bottled water , the comparison of price compare to tap water is significant. Bottled water are not healthier than tap water but it is just a healthy alternative because its easy to access and its been sterilized.
7. Some countries like India are struggling to have access with water. If they don’t have money they will die by not having to afford water. This problem forms a conflict to the people which result killing one another.
8. Private companies use to treat water like oil and start to make money from it. They will water in different parts of the world. they don’t care if the all the water from that lake or sea will run out all they want is money.
9. The best way to fight privatization of water is to ensure that we have enough water in our home so that the demand of water in market will be lessen.
10. Water is important and people take it for granted. We can help to conserve water in many simple ways. We can do this by using low flow of water when using shower, turn off the water in the sink when brushing or shaving, and so on.

The first thing to do is to put a period at the end of EVERY SENTENCE. I'll re-do #1 for you; then you fix all the others.

Water is the source of life. We all depend on it. Water is important, and we cannot survive a week without it.

Fix the rest, and re-post when you're ready.

To form your ideas into good sentences, you can follow a few steps. First, identify the main idea or topic of each sentence. Then, make sure that each sentence is clear and concise. Use appropriate punctuation and grammar to enhance readability. Here are the revised sentences based on your ideas:

1. Water is the source of life, and we all depend on it. It is important to note that we cannot survive a week without water.

2. Water should be free since it is a basic need for living. Therefore, we should not consider buying bottled water.

3. Agriculture uses chemicals to increase farming productivity, but it pollutes groundwater. Additionally, automobiles release toxins that pollute the clouds. Moreover, over 60% of wetlands worldwide have been destroyed in the past centuries.

4. The world is facing desertification, and we are running out of water. This situation can cause changes in the Earth's structure, leading to earthquakes and potentially tsunamis.

5. More people live in cities than in the countryside, and this number continues to grow daily. As a result of urbanization, there is more unpaved land compared to paved land globally. Hydrologists predict that in 50 years, there may be a collapse of the planet's water structure.

6. Private companies like Nestle have started selling bottled water. Although the price of bottled water is significantly higher than tap water, it is not necessarily healthier. It is simply a convenient and sterilized alternative.

7. Some countries, such as India, struggle to have access to water. If individuals cannot afford water due to financial constraints, it can lead to their demise. This problem often exacerbates conflicts, resulting in violence and killing.

8. Private companies treat water as a commodity, similar to oil, and prioritize making money from it. They exploit water sources globally, without considering the consequences, even if it leads to the depletion of lakes or seas.

9. The best way to fight the privatization of water is to ensure that we have enough water in our homes. By reducing the demand for water in the market, we can help mitigate the negative effects of water privatization.

10. Water is vital, yet people often take it for granted. We can contribute to water conservation through simple actions, such as using low-flow water when showering or turning off the tap while brushing or shaving.