list 2 forms of oxygen found in the atmosphere name the process by which [1]oxygen from the atmosphere is used up

[2]oxygen is returned to the atmosphere

To list two forms of oxygen found in the atmosphere:

1. Molecular oxygen (O2): This is the most common form of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. It consists of two oxygen atoms bonded together. O2 makes up about 20% of the Earth's atmosphere.

2. Ozone (O3): Ozone is a less common form of oxygen found in the Earth's atmosphere. It consists of three oxygen atoms bonded together. Ozone is present in small concentrations in the Earth's ozone layer, primarily in the stratosphere.

Now, let's discuss the processes by which oxygen is used up and returned to the atmosphere:

1. Oxygen consumption: The process by which oxygen from the atmosphere is used up is called oxygen consumption. This process occurs in various ways, including respiration, combustion, and oxidation. Organisms, such as animals and plants, use oxygen during respiration to convert nutrients into energy. Combustion involves the reaction between oxygen and a fuel source, such as burning wood or fossil fuels, to release energy. Oxidation reactions, which occur in various chemical and biological processes, also involve the consumption of oxygen.

2. Oxygen production: The process by which oxygen is returned to the atmosphere is primarily through photosynthesis. Plants, as well as certain types of bacteria and algae, carry out photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. During this process, oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a byproduct. Additionally, oxygen can also be released back into the atmosphere through certain chemical reactions and volcanic activity.