The untimely death of Professor Hathaway halted his groundbreaking research into the uses of solar power. It therefore appears that Hathaway’s research will not result in practical applications.

Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

What alternatives follow?

To weaken the argument that Professor Hathaway's research will not result in practical applications, we need to find a statement that suggests his research could still be useful. Here are the options:

A) Professor Hathaway's research was focused on developing solar power technology for space travel.
B) Professor Hathaway's research team includes several highly talented individuals who can continue his work.
C) Professor Hathaway's research was based on groundbreaking theories that have already been proven in other fields.
D) Professor Hathaway had made significant progress in his research before his death.
E) Professor Hathaway's research was funded by a government agency with a vested interest in developing solar power technology.

Among these options, the one that most seriously weakens the argument is D) Professor Hathaway had made significant progress in his research before his death. This suggests that the research was already on track and could potentially be continued or built upon by others.

To identify the option that weakens the argument, we need to look for a statement that challenges the assumption that Professor Hathaway's research will not result in practical applications due to his untimely death. Let's evaluate each option to find the one that best weakens the argument:

A) Professor Hathaway's research team was composed of highly skilled and knowledgeable researchers.
This statement doesn't necessarily weaken the argument as the skills and knowledge of the research team do not guarantee practical applications without the guidance of Professor Hathaway.

B) Professor Hathaway had successfully completed several phases of his research before his demise.
This statement could potentially weaken the argument, as it suggests that Professor Hathaway's research had already reached a stage where practical applications were closer to fruition.

C) Solar power is a rapidly developing field with ongoing breakthroughs and advancements.
This statement doesn't directly weaken the argument since it doesn't address whether Hathaway's research specifically will result in practical applications.

D) Other scientists in the field of solar power research have expressed interest in continuing Professor Hathaway's work.
This statement weakens the argument by suggesting that other scientists are actively interested in continuing and potentially completing Hathaway's research. This opens up the possibility for practical applications of his work.

E) Professor Hathaway's family has established a foundation dedicated to funding and supporting research in solar power.
This statement weakens the argument as it implies that the foundation could provide resources and support to continue and potentially realize practical applications of Professor Hathaway's research.

Based on the analysis, options B, D, and E have the potential to weaken the argument. However, option D, stating that other scientists are interested in continuing the work, directly challenges the assumption that Hathaway's research will not result in practical applications. Therefore, option D is the most suitable answer that weakens the argument.