Need help figuring out which word goes in the blank out of this, that, these, or those. The sentence is: "Let's exchange __________ bread for these crackers." I know it is not these or those but not sure between this or that. Thanks...

"this" = something close to you; plural is "these"

"that" = something farther away; plural is "those"

Which will you use?

Would it be "this" since it is singluar?

To determine which word fits in the blank in the sentence "Let's exchange __________ bread for these crackers," we need to understand the difference between "this" and "that."

"This" is used to refer to things that are close to the speaker or are in the present.

"That" is used to refer to things that are farther away from the speaker or are in the past.

In the sentence given, the speaker wants to exchange bread for crackers that are physically close to them. Therefore, the appropriate word to use in the blank is "this." "That" would imply that the crackers are farther away or not in the present proximity of the speaker.

So the completed sentence would be: "Let's exchange this bread for these crackers."