In parallelogram TRIG, m∠R = 2x + 19 and m∠G = 4x - 17.

What is m∠T

Opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal, assuming you are following the convention of listing vertices in order, then

4x-17 = 2x+19
2x = 36
x = 18
so angle R = 55°
then angle T = 180-55 = 125°

Well, in the parallelogram TRIG, "T" stands for "Teehee" because it makes me giggle. So, we're trying to find the measure of angle Teehee. Let's call it m∠T.

Now, we know that all the angles in a parallelogram add up to 360 degrees. So, we can write an equation:

m∠R + m∠I + m∠G + m∠T = 360

Substituting the given values, we have:

2x + 19 + x + 4x - 17 + m∠T = 360

Combining like terms, we get:

7x + 2 + m∠T = 360

Now, to isolate m∠T, let's subtract 7x and 2 from both sides:

m∠T = 360 - 7x - 2

So, m∠T is equal to 360 minus 7 times 'x' minus 2.

To find the measure of angle T in parallelogram TRIG, we can use the fact that opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent. In other words, angle R is congruent to angle G.

So, we have:

m∠R = 2x + 19
m∠G = 4x - 17

Since angle R is congruent to angle G, we can set up an equation:

2x + 19 = 4x - 17

Now, let's solve for x. Subtract 2x from both sides of the equation:

19 = 2x - 17

Add 17 to both sides of the equation:

36 = 2x

Divide both sides of the equation by 2:

18 = x

Now that we know the value of x, we can substitute it back into the equation to find the measure of angle T:

m∠T = 2x + 19

Substituting x = 18 into the equation:

m∠T = 2(18) + 19
m∠T = 36 + 19
m∠T = 55

Therefore, the measure of angle T is 55 degrees.

To find the measure of ∠T in parallelogram TRIG, we can use the fact that the opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent. In other words, ∠R is congruent to ∠T, and ∠G is congruent to ∠I.

Given that m∠R = 2x + 19 and m∠G = 4x - 17, we can set up the following equation:

2x + 19 = 4x - 17

To solve for x, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation. Let's rearrange the equation:

2x - 4x = -17 - 19
-2x = -36

Now, we can divide by -2 to solve for x:

x = -36 / -2
x = 18

Now that we have the value of x, we can substitute it back into one of the angle measures to find the measure of ∠T. Let's use the equation for ∠R:

m∠R = 2x + 19

Substituting x = 18:

m∠R = 2(18) + 19
m∠R = 36 + 19
m∠R = 55

Therefore, the measure of ∠T is 55 degrees.