Robin cross- stitches bookmarks and wall hangings . A bookmark takes her 1 1/2 days, and a wall hanging takes her 4 days. Robin recently spent 18 days cross- stitching 7 items. Solve the system of equations to find the number of bookmarks b and the number of wall hangings w that Robin cross- stitched.

1 1/2b+4w=18
Please help me and show your work thanks

1 1/2b+4w=18

(3/2)b + 4w = 18
times 2
3b + 8w = 36
equation #2 times 3
3b + 3w = 21
subtract them
5w = 15
w = 3
back into b+w=7

w=3, b=4

1.5(4) + 4(3) = 18 , yeah
4+3=7, yeah

1.5 b + 4 w = 18

b + w = 7 so w = (7-b)

1.5 b + 4 (7-b) = 18

1.5 b + 28 - 4 b = 18

10 = 2.5 b

b = 4
w = 3

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To solve the system of equations, we can use the method of substitution or elimination. Let's use the method of substitution:

First, let's solve the second equation for b:

b + w = 7

b = 7 - w

Next, substitute this value of b into the first equation:

1 1/2 b + 4w = 18

1 1/2 (7 - w) + 4w = 18

Now, simplify and solve for w:

10.5 - 1.5w + 4w = 18

2.5w = 18 - 10.5

2.5w = 7.5

w = 7.5 / 2.5

w = 3

Now substitute this value of w back into the second equation to find b:

b + 3 = 7

b = 7 - 3

b = 4

Therefore, Robin cross-stitched 4 bookmarks (b) and 3 wall hangings (w).