120ml of a solution whose concentration is 30g/ml was diluted with distilled water by raising its volume to 160cm3. Calculate the concentration of the new solution.


using this formula C1×V1=C2×V2

Answer is 22.5g/ml

To calculate the concentration of the new solution, we need to know the amount of solute in the solution after dilution and the final volume of the solution.

First, let's find the amount of solute (in grams) in the original solution:

Amount of solute = concentration × volume
Amount of solute = 30 g/mL × 120 mL
Amount of solute = 3600 g

Now, let's find the final volume of the solution after dilution. To do this, we need to add the initial volume of the solution to the volume of the distilled water added:

Final volume = initial volume + added volume
Final volume = 120 mL + 40 mL
Final volume = 160 mL

Next, let's calculate the concentration of the new solution by dividing the amount of solute in grams by the final volume in milliliters:

Concentration = Amount of solute / Final volume
Concentration = 3600 g / 160 mL

However, the final volume is given in cm³, so we need to convert it to milliliters:

1 cm³ = 1 mL

Therefore, the concentration of the new solution is:

Concentration = 3600 g / 160 mL
Concentration = 22.5 g/mL

So, the concentration of the new solution after dilution is 22.5 g/mL.