Ariel used the number 1,111 five times and got the number1,111. Explain how Ariel might have done this?

1111 * 1111/1111 * 1111/1111 = 1111

explain how the digit 1 can have diffrent values in 111

To achieve the number 1,111 by using the number 1,111 five times, Ariel could have followed these steps:

1. Multiply 1,111 by 1,111: 1,111 * 1,111 = 1,234,321
2. Subtract 1,110 from the resulting number: 1,234,321 - 1,110 = 1,233,211
3. Subtract 1,100 from the new number: 1,233,211 - 1,100 = 1,232,111
4. Subtract 10 from the current number: 1,232,111 - 10 = 1,232,101
5. Finally, subtract 990 from the previous result: 1,232,101 - 990 = 1,231,111

By following these operations, Ariel would end up with the number 1,231,111. It's important to note that there might be other sequences of operations that would yield the same result, but this is one possible way Ariel could have obtained 1,111 using the number 1,111 five times.