I need to convert these 5 values of time into minutes.

1)1.07 1min 7 seconds
2) 6.00
3) 5.02
4) 1.32
5) 25.5 seconds

The example that was given for conversion was 5 min 40 sec = 5.67min

These are the values that I got after dividing by 60.

1) 1.07 = 1.12min
2) 6.00 = I didn't know if I had to do anything because it was already minutes.
3) 5.02 = 5.03min
4) 1.32 = 1.53min
5) 25.5 sec = I wasn't sure how to do this one

Are these correct and could you please explain the two that I didn't get? Thank you for your help!!!

You don't have any units except for the 25.5 s. That one is 25.5/60 = ?

If 1.07 means 1:07 as written above as 1 min 7 sec then that one is 67/60 = 1.12 so that one is right.
I have no idea what 6.00, 5.02, or 1.32 are.

6.00 minutes

5 minutes 2 seconds
1 minute 32 seconds

So 25.5 seconds / 60 = 0.4250. How can this be minutes?

25.5 sec x (1 min/60 sec) = 0.425 min.

Note the factor 1 min/60 sec converts seconds to minutes. You see the sec unit cancels and leaves the min unit in place.
6.00 minutes is already minutes.
5 minutes and 2 seconds is 302 seconds; then 302/60 = 5.03 min.
1 min and 32 seconds = 92 seconds; then 92/60 = 1.53 min.

To convert time values into minutes, you generally need to divide the number of seconds by 60 and add it to the number of minutes. Let's go through each value in your list and find the conversions:

1) 1.07 (1 min 7 sec):
To convert 1 min 7 sec into minutes, we divide 7 by 60 (since there are 60 seconds in a minute) and add it to 1.
7 / 60 = 0.117 (approximately)
So, 1 min 7 sec is approximately 1.117 minutes.

2) 6.00 (6 min):
Since 6.00 is already in minutes, there is no need for conversion. It remains as 6.00 minutes.

3) 5.02 (5 min 2 sec):
Similarly, to convert 5 min 2 sec into minutes, we divide 2 by 60 and add it to 5.
2 / 60 = 0.033 (approximately)
So, 5 min 2 sec is approximately 5.033 minutes.

4) 1.32 (1 min 32 sec):
Again, to convert 1 min 32 sec, we divide 32 by 60 and add it to 1.
32 / 60 = 0.533 (approximately)
So, 1 min 32 sec is approximately 1.533 minutes.

5) 25.5 seconds:
To convert 25.5 seconds into minutes, we divide 25.5 by 60.
25.5 / 60 = 0.425 (approximately)
So, 25.5 seconds is approximately 0.425 minutes.

Now, let's summarize the conversions:
1) 1.07 => approximately 1.117 minutes
2) 6.00 => 6.00 minutes
3) 5.02 => approximately 5.033 minutes
4) 1.32 => approximately 1.533 minutes
5) 25.5 seconds => approximately 0.425 minutes

Hope this explanation clarifies and helps you understand how to convert these time values into minutes!