In "Touching Spirit Bear," the book, I have to answer these questions.

1. Why does Cole think the bear attacked him?
2. In what way has Cole's mother changed?
3. What happened to Cole's dad when he was a child?
4. Who is the surprise visitor to Circle Justice?
5. Who told Edwin he saw a white bear on the island where Cole was banished?
6. Who will finance Cole's banishment this time?
7. What is the new sentence imposed on Cole?

The first thing you need to do for this assignment is read the book.

To answer these questions related to the book "Touching Spirit Bear," you will need to refer to the content of the book. Here are some suggestions for finding the answers:

1. Why does Cole think the bear attacked him?
To understand Cole's perspective on why the bear attacked him, you should read the sections of the book where the bear incident is described. Look for passages where Cole reflects on the incident and shares his thoughts or feelings about why he believes the bear attacked him.

2. In what way has Cole's mother changed?
To determine how Cole's mother has changed, pay attention to any passages or scenes in the book that depict interactions between Cole and his mother. Look for moments where there is a noticeable shift in her behavior, attitude, or relationship with Cole.

3. What happened to Cole's dad when he was a child?
To learn more about what happened to Cole's dad when he was a child, you should search for passages or chapters in the book that provide information about Cole's family history. Pay attention to any conversations or memories shared by Cole or other characters that give insights into his father's past.

4. Who is the surprise visitor to Circle Justice?
To find out who the surprise visitor to Circle Justice is, look for sections of the book where this event is mentioned. Pay attention to any dialogue or descriptions regarding the arrival of an unexpected visitor and their identity.

5. Who told Edwin he saw a white bear on the island where Cole was banished?
To discover who told Edwin about seeing a white bear on the island where Cole was banished, you should look for passages or conversations in the book where this information is discussed. Pay attention to any specific character interactions where someone provides this information to Edwin.

6. Who will finance Cole's banishment this time?
To determine who will finance Cole's banishment this time, search for sections in the book that mention the financial aspect of the banishment. Look for any dialogue or descriptions regarding the source or provider of the funds for Cole's banishment.

7. What is the new sentence imposed on Cole?
To find out the new sentence imposed on Cole, refer to the relevant parts of the book where this information is revealed. Look for passages or scenes where the decision is made, announced, or discussed by characters in the story.

Remember to read closely, take notes, and refer back to the book when necessary to find specific details that will answer these questions accurately.