You have a 70% dextrose solution. How many grams of dextrose are in 400ml?

there are 70% dextrose solution, how many grams are in 8.75 mL solution?

280 grams. When solution expressed as %, the concentration is grams per 100ml (with water being 1gm/ml). Thus 70grams/100ml = 280 grams/400ml.

To find out how many grams of dextrose are in 400 ml of a 70% dextrose solution, we need to use the concentration and volume to calculate the amount of dextrose.

First, we convert the percentage concentration to a decimal by dividing it by 100:
70% = 70/100 = 0.7

Next, we multiply the concentration by the volume to find the amount of dextrose:
0.7 x 400 ml = 280 grams

Therefore, there are 280 grams of dextrose in 400 ml of a 70% dextrose solution.

It is impossible to determine with the given data.

One cannot determine the mass of the dextrose without knowing the total mass, OR volume with density.