how many miles from tokyo yo honolulu

3862 miles (6216 km)

This website is very useful for "how far is it" questions:

To find out the distance between Tokyo and Honolulu in miles, you can use an online mapping service or a distance calculator tool. Here's how you can do it through Google Maps:

1. Go to or open the Google Maps app on your device.
2. In the search bar, type "Tokyo" and press Enter or search.
3. Once the map shows Tokyo, Japan, type "Honolulu" in the search bar, and again, press Enter or search.
4. The map will now display Honolulu, Hawaii.
5. Now, right-click (or long-press on mobile) on Tokyo on the map, and select "Measure distance" from the options that appear. A small white circle will appear on Tokyo.
6. Next, click (or tap) on Honolulu on the map to mark it as the destination. You will see a line connecting both locations with the distance displayed on it.
7. Read the distance value displayed on the line. This value will commonly be in kilometers or miles.

Please note that this method provides an approximate straight-line distance between the two locations, known as the "as the crow flies" distance. The actual distance traveled by air or on a specific route may vary.

Alternatively, you can use other online distance calculators or mapping services to obtain the distance between Tokyo and Honolulu in miles.