Is nail sulcus and nail fold the same thing?

so is the nail grove as shown in wikipedia the nail sulcus or the nail fold?

No, the nail sulcus and the nail fold are not the same thing. Let me explain the differences between them.

The nail sulcus refers to the groove or furrow that runs alongside the nail plate, also known as the nail bed. It is the area where the nail folds meet the nail plate on the sides of the finger or toe. The nail sulcus plays an important role in supporting the nail and protecting it from damage.

On the other hand, the nail fold refers to the soft tissue that surrounds the nail on three sides: the proximal nail fold (located at the base of the nail), the lateral nail folds (located on the sides of the nail), and the distal nail fold (located at the free edge of the nail). The nail fold helps to seal off the space between the nail plate and the surrounding skin, protecting the nail bed and preventing the entry of foreign objects or bacteria.

To visually understand the differences, you can examine your own nail. Take a close look at your fingernail or toenail, and you'll notice the nail sulcus as a shallow groove on the sides of the nail plate. The nail fold, on the other hand, is the skin that surrounds the nail and can be seen as a fold of skin above and around the nail.

It's important to note that any changes in the appearance or color of the nail sulcus or nail fold could indicate an underlying health issue. If you notice any abnormalities or have concerns, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment.