a recent study by a large retailer designed to determine whether there was a relationship between the importance a store manager placed on advertising and the size of the store revealed the following sample information: observed frequencies(sample)small-medium-large

what kind of test is this and why didi you choose it? what is your conclusion? use the.05 level of significnce.

Sounds like a chi-square test.

The test described seems to be a Chi-squared test of independence. I reached this conclusion because the study is examining the relationship between two categorical variables: the importance a store manager places on advertising (which may be measured on a scale) and the size of the store (categorized as small, medium, or large). A Chi-squared test of independence is used to determine whether there is an association between two categorical variables.

To perform a Chi-squared test of independence, you would need to set up a contingency table with the observed frequencies for each combination of the two variables (importance of advertising and store size) and calculate the expected frequencies based on the assumption of independence between the variables. Then, you would use the Chi-squared test statistic and compare it to the critical value from the Chi-squared distribution with appropriate degrees of freedom.

However, in your question, you have not provided the observed frequencies for each combination of "importance of advertising" and "store size." Without this information, it is not possible to perform the Chi-square test and draw a valid conclusion.