What volume of a 4.50% v/v solution of ethanol in water can be prepared with 23.9 mL of ethanol

To find the volume of a 4.50% v/v solution of ethanol that can be prepared with 23.9 mL of ethanol, we need to understand that a "v/v" solution means the volume of the solute (ethanol) is expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the solution.

In this case, the concentration is 4.50% v/v, which means that there is 4.50 mL of ethanol for every 100 mL of solution.

To calculate the volume of the solution, we can set up a proportion:

(23.9 mL ethanol) / (4.50 mL ethanol) = (x mL solution) / (100 mL solution)

Cross multiplying, we get:

23.9 mL ethanol * 100 mL solution = 4.50 mL ethanol * x mL solution

2390 mL * 100 mL solution = 4.50 mL ethanol * x mL solution


239,000 mL = 4.50 mL ethanol * x mL solution

Dividing both sides of the equation by 4.50 mL ethanol:

(239,000 mL) / (4.50 mL ethanol) = x mL solution

x ≈ 53,111 mL

Therefore, approximately 53,111 mL of a 4.50% v/v solution of ethanol can be prepared using 23.9 mL of ethanol.