The table shows the total number of emails that the Wright family received this morning.

Mr.Wright 7 emails
Mrs.Wright 8 emails
Cole 3 emails
Trinity 3 emails
If the family receives 7 more emails,which is the most reasonable prediction of the number of emails that will go to Trinity?


Trinity's share is 3/(7+8+3+3) = 3/21 = 1/7

If 7 more come in, Trinity will likely receive 1 of them

To find the most reasonable prediction of the number of emails that will go to Trinity, we need to consider the given information and calculate the number of emails Trinity is currently receiving and add 7 to it.

From the table, we can see that Trinity currently receives 3 emails.

To find the most reasonable prediction, we add 7 to Trinity's current number of emails:
3 + 7 = 10

Therefore, the most reasonable prediction for the number of emails that will go to Trinity is 10.

None of the answer choices provided match the most reasonable prediction of 10, so none of the given options are correct.