The table shows the total number of emails that the Wright family received this morning


Mr.Wright=7 emails
Mrs.Wright=8 emails
Cole=3 emails
Trinity=3 emails
If the family receives 7 more emails,which is the most reasonable prediction of the number of emails that will go to Trinity?
What do I do?

To answer this question, you need to determine the relationship between the number of emails received by Trinity and the total number of emails received by the family.

Step 1: Find the total number of emails received by the family.
The total number of emails received by the family is the sum of the emails received by each member:
Total emails received = Mr.Wright's emails + Mrs.Wright's emails + Cole's emails + Trinity's emails
Total emails received = 7 + 8 + 3 + 3
Total emails received = 21

Step 2: Determine the proportion of emails received by Trinity.
The proportion of emails received by Trinity is calculated by dividing the number of emails Trinity received by the total number of emails received by the family:
Proportion of Trinity's emails = Trinity's emails / Total emails received
Proportion of Trinity's emails = 3 / 21
Proportion of Trinity's emails = 1/7

Step 3: Predict the increase in Trinity's emails when the family receives 7 more emails.
To predict Trinity's emails, multiply the proportion of Trinity's emails by the increase in the total number of emails (7):
Predicted Trinity's emails = Proportion of Trinity's emails x Increase in total emails
Predicted Trinity's emails = (1/7) x 7
Predicted Trinity's emails = 1

Therefore, the most reasonable prediction for the number of emails that will go to Trinity when the family receives 7 more emails is 1 (option A).