what would be redundant if added to the content of an e-mail?

I say purpose of e-mail

I don't think so. The purpose might be stated in the Subject line, but it should also be in the first part of the email.

I'd say it's redundant if you include your own name anywhere in the text of the email. Early writers often feel the needs to say something like this:

Hi, this is Emilie!

But don't!!

the other options are date of e-mail, opening statement, or closing.

my other guess would be closing

In an email, including the purpose of the email as part of the content can be considered redundant because it is typically conveyed through the subject line. The subject line serves as a summary or preview of the email's content and is the first thing recipients see. Therefore, repeating the purpose of the email within the actual content can be unnecessary duplication.

To determine if something would be redundant in an email, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by analyzing the subject line: Read the subject line of the email and identify the main purpose or topic it conveys. The subject line should ideally provide enough information to give recipients an idea of the purpose of the email.

2. Review the content of the email: Read through the email and identify if there is any repetition of the purpose stated in the subject line. Look for phrases or sentences that convey the same information as the subject line.

3. Consider the recipient's perspective: Put yourself in the shoes of the recipient and assess if the purpose is adequately clear from the subject line alone. Ask yourself if including the purpose again in the content adds any value or if it might be considered redundant.

By following these steps, you can assess whether or not the purpose of the email would be redundant if included in the content.