A water sample taken from the ocean is 36 ppt salt content. What is the mass of salt present in a liter of this ocean water?


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To calculate the mass of salt present in a liter of ocean water containing 36 parts per thousand (ppt) salt content, you need to know the density of seawater. The density of seawater is typically around 1.025 grams per milliliter (g/mL).

1. Start by converting the volume from liters to milliliters. Since 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters, the volume of ocean water is 1000 milliliters.

2. Now, calculate the mass of the ocean water by multiplying the volume (in milliliters) by the density (in grams per milliliter):

Mass of ocean water = Volume of ocean water * Density of seawater
= 1000 mL * 1.025 g/mL
= 1025 grams

3. Since the salt content is given in ppt, it means that there are 36 grams of salt for every 1000 grams of ocean water.

4. Calculate the mass of salt by setting up a proportion:

Mass of salt / Mass of ocean water = Salt content / 1000

Substituting the values we know:

Mass of salt / 1025 grams = 36 grams / 1000

Cross-multiply and solve for the mass of salt:

Mass of salt = (36 grams * 1025 grams) / 1000
= 36.9 grams

Therefore, the mass of salt present in a liter of this ocean water sample is 36.9 grams.