
To solve the equation 2/7n + n = 5/9, we need to simplify and isolate the variable n.

Step 1: Combine like terms by adding the two terms with n together.
2/7n + n = (2/7 + 1)n
= (2/7 + 7/7)n
= (9/7)n

Step 2: The equation becomes (9/7)n = 5/9.

To isolate the variable n, we need to get rid of the coefficient (9/7) by multiplying both sides of the equation by its reciprocal, which is 7/9. This will cancel out the coefficient from the left side and simplify the equation.

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by 7/9.
(7/9)(9/7)n = (7/9)(5/9)

On the left side, the (9/7)n and (7/9) inverse or reciprocal cancel each other out, leaving just n.
n = (7/9)(5/9)

Step 4: Multiply the two fractions on the right side to find the value of n.
n = (35/63)

Therefore, the solution to the equation 2/7n + n = 5/9 is n = 35/63.