A bump on a DVD needs to be between 0.45 and 0.55 micron wide and 0.95 and 0.99 micron high. write two absolute value inequalities describing the width (x) and height (y) of the bump.

To write two absolute value inequalities describing the width (x) and height (y) of the bump, we can use the absolute value notation.

For the width (x) of the bump, we can write the absolute value inequality as:
| x - 0.50 | ≤ 0.05

Explanation: The midpoint between the range 0.45 and 0.55 is 0.50. The absolute value of the difference between the width (x) and the midpoint should be less than or equal to the allowed range of 0.05.

For the height (y) of the bump, we can write the absolute value inequality as:
| y - 0.97 | ≤ 0.02

Explanation: The midpoint between the range 0.95 and 0.99 is 0.97. The absolute value of the difference between the height (y) and the midpoint should be less than or equal to the allowed range of 0.02.

So, the two absolute value inequalities describing the width (x) and height (y) of the bump are:

| x - 0.50 | ≤ 0.05
| y - 0.97 | ≤ 0.02