Where do you find the editor of a certain article of a website? Where can you find the name of the organizatin that associated with the site??

The organization's name is usually at the bottom of the main webpage ... and often at the bottom of all the site's webpages.

Sometimes the editor's name can be found. Sometimes it can't. If you tell me the name of a webpage you're interested in, maybe I can help with specifics.

Okay thank you. I do not need it anymore though.

To find the editor of a certain article on a website, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by locating the article you are interested in. Open the webpage that hosts the article.
2. Look for the byline, which is usually located at the top or bottom of the article. The byline typically includes the name of the author and sometimes additional information like the editor's name.
3. If the byline does not mention the editor, scroll down to the end of the article. Editors' names are sometimes included in a section called "Editor," "Editorial Team," or similar.
4. In case you can't find the editor's name in the article or its immediate vicinity, search for an "About" or "Contact" page on the website. These pages often provide information about the organization associated with the site and may include details about the editor or editorial team.

To find the name of the organization associated with a website, you can try these steps:

1. Look for an "About" or "About Us" link on the website. It is often located in the main navigation menu or in the footer of the webpage. Click on this link to access the page that describes the website and its organization.
2. On the "About" page, you may find the name of the organization or company that owns, operates, or sponsors the website.
3. If you can't find the information on the "About" page, try looking for a "Contact" or "Contact Us" page. This page may provide the organization's name, address, and other contact details.

Remember, the availability and location of the editor's name and organization information can vary from website to website. It's generally a good idea to refer to the website's own navigation, menus, and sections to find the specific details you're looking for.