A bottle of 80 proof alcohol is 40% ethanol and 60% water. What is the solvent in this solution?


Technically it really makes no difference which we call the solute and which the solvent. By convention, we usually say the solid is the solute and the liquid is the solvent. In liquid/liquid solutions, we usually call the smaller amount of substance the solute and the higher concn material the solvent. Therefore most would call ethanol the solute and water the solvent.

The solvent in a solution refers to the substance in which another substance, known as the solute, is dissolved. In this case, the solvent in a bottle of 80 proof alcohol is water.

To determine the solvent in a solution, you need to understand that the solvent is the substance that dissolves the solute. In this case, the solute is ethanol, which is being dissolved in the solution. Since ethanol is being dissolved in water, the solvent in this solution is water.