Ed wants to determine if there is a trend in air temperature changes during April. Which of the following procedures should he follow?

a) Measure the temperature every hour for 1 day; b) Measure the temperature at noon every day in April; c) Measure the temperature at the same time each Monday; d) Measure the temperature on the first and last day of April.

Measure the temperature at noon every day in April.

To determine if there is a trend in air temperature changes during April, Ed should follow procedure b) Measure the temperature at noon every day in April.

Measuring the temperature at noon every day in April will provide consistent data points throughout the entire month. By focusing on the same time each day, Ed can minimize potential variability due to the daily temperature fluctuations. This will allow Ed to observe any patterns or trends that may emerge over the course of the month.

The other options do not provide sufficient data for determining a trend in air temperature changes during April:

a) Measuring the temperature every hour for 1 day: This option only provides data for a single day, which may not be representative of the overall patterns occurring throughout the entire month.

c) Measuring the temperature at the same time each Monday: This option only captures data on Mondays, which may not provide enough data points to identify a clear trend throughout the month.

d) Measuring the temperature on the first and last day of April: This option only provides two data points, which is insufficient for observing any patterns or trends over the course of the entire month.