10. The Crimean war was fought between France and

a. Russia
b. Great Britain
c. Italy
d. Germany

26. Theory that plant and animal life developed from common ancestors over millions of years- evolution

30. Study of roots of behavior in the unconscious- psychology?


I agree with your answers.

Thank you!


10. The Crimean war was fought between France and a. Russia.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by conducting a simple online search using keywords such as "Crimean war." This will provide you with various sources that can give you more information about the war, including the countries involved. Additionally, you can consult history books or encyclopedias to find the answer.

26. The theory that plant and animal life developed from common ancestors over millions of years is called evolution.

To get the answer to this question, you can use reliable scientific sources, such as biology textbooks, scientific articles, or educational websites that discuss the theory of evolution. These sources will provide detailed explanations of the concept, its historical development, and the evidence supporting it.

30. The study of roots of behavior in the unconscious is called psychology.

To determine the answer to this question, you can begin by looking up the term "roots of behavior in the unconscious" or "study of unconscious behavior." Psychology textbooks and scholarly articles would be excellent resources for understanding this topic. You can also explore reputable psychology websites or consult experts in the field.