what are juliets feelings towards romeo in act 3 scene 2 from lines 1-35?

also how does she describe her feelings as she waits for him?

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What does Juliet say about her feelings as she waits for him?

To analyze Juliet's feelings towards Romeo in Act 3, Scene 2 of "Romeo and Juliet" from lines 1-35, we will need to look closely at the text within that specific section. It's important to note that textual analysis involves understanding the characters' words, actions, and tone. Let's examine the lines:

1. "Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds..."
2. "Spread thy close curtain, love-performing night..."
3. "Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die..."
4. "Take him and cut him out in little stars..."
5. "O, speak again, bright angel!..."

From these lines, we can infer Juliet's feelings towards Romeo:

1. Juliet appears impatient and eager for the night to fall soon.
2. She longs for privacy, wanting the night to wrap around them.
3. Juliet expresses her deep love for Romeo and wants to be with him.
4. She suggests that when Romeo dies, she wants him to be transformed into a constellation of stars.
5. Juliet desires Romeo to speak again, and she admires him as a bright angel.

These lines indicate Juliet's love and admiration for Romeo, as well as her desire for their union. She longs for their love to be eternal, even if it means Romeo's demise. Remember, understanding a character's feelings requires analyzing their words, actions, and the context of the specific scene.