How do I convert 4 inches into yards?

4inches (1yards/36inches) = 4/36 yards

Just in case you wondered where 36 in. came from...

You must know that 1 yd = 3ft
Then you set the dimensional analysis:
the wanted is "yd".
the given is 4 in.

so... 4in.*(1ft/12in)*(1yd/3ft)=??

or 4/36 = ??

Can you see that in. cancel out,as do ft,leaving you with the wanted "yards"?

Thank you both so much!!! I get how to do it now.(:

12 in. in a foot 3feet in a yard so........ think about it!!!!

To convert 4 inches into yards, you can use dimensional analysis.

First, you need to know the conversion factors between inches, feet, and yards. There are 12 inches in a foot, and 3 feet in a yard.

So, start by setting up the dimensional analysis:

4 inches * (1 foot / 12 inches) * (1 yard / 3 feet) = ?

Now, simplify this expression:

4/12 * 1/3 = 4/36

The inches cancel out with each other, as do the feet, leaving you with the desired unit, which is yards.

Therefore, 4 inches is equal to 4/36 yards, which can also be simplified to 1/9 yards.

So, 4 inches is equivalent to 1/9 yards.