I urgently need to check this paragraph. Can you help me, Writeacher?

1) St. Valentine's Day is the feast's day of the Patron Saint of love called St. Valentine. He was priest in the third century in Rome.
2) He was killed because Emperor Claudius II said that soldiers in the Army could not get married.
3) The symbol of St. Valentine is Cupid, a small engel and also the son of Venus.
4) Cupid uses a bow and some arrows to make people fall in love.
5) On St. Valentine Day if you are engaged or in love, you give your partner a present, such as for example a box of chocolates, a bunch of flowers or a piece of jewellery.You can also send your partner a Valentine card with a love message on it.

1) St. Valentine's Day is the feast day of the patron saint of love called St. Valentine. He was a priest in the third century in Rome.

2) He was killed because Emperor Claudius II said that soldiers in the Army could not get married.
I don't understand this. Was he a priest AND a soldier?

3) The symbol of St. Valentine is Cupid, a small angel, the son of Venus.

4) Cupid uses a bow and some arrows to make people fall in love.

5) On St. Valentine Day, if someone is engaged or in love, he gives his partner a present, such as a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers, or a piece of jewelry. he could also send his love a Valentine card with a love message in it.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you check your paragraph!

Here's the revised paragraph:

1) St. Valentine's Day is the feast day of the Patron Saint of love, St. Valentine, who was a priest in Rome during the third century.
2) He was executed because Emperor Claudius II declared that soldiers in the Army were not allowed to get married.
3) The symbol associated with St. Valentine is Cupid, a small angel who is also the son of Venus.
4) Cupid is depicted as using a bow and arrows to make people fall in love.
5) On St. Valentine's Day, if you are engaged or in love, it is traditional to give your partner a present, such as a box of chocolates, a bunch of flowers, or a piece of jewelry. Another gesture is to send your partner a Valentine card with a love message written on it.

To check your paragraph, I made some modifications for clarity and grammar. However, it's always a good idea to review your writing and check for any further errors or improvements.