How many iron atoms are in 0.32 mol of Fe2O3


To determine the number of iron atoms (Fe) in 0.32 mol of Fe2O3, follow these steps:

1. Find the molar mass of Fe2O3:
- The molar mass of Fe is 55.85 g/mol.
- The molar mass of O is 16.00 g/mol.
- Since there are two oxygen atoms in Fe2O3, the molar mass of Fe2O3 is (2 * 55.85) + (3 * 16.00) = 159.70 g/mol.

2. Calculate the number of moles of Fe atoms present in 0.32 mol of Fe2O3:
- Since there are 2 Fe atoms in 1 Fe2O3 molecule, there are 2 * 0.32 = 0.64 mol of Fe atoms.

3. Convert the number of moles of Fe atoms to atoms:
- Avogadro's number states that 1 mole of any substance contains 6.022 × 10^23 atoms.
- Therefore, 0.64 mol of Fe atoms is equivalent to 0.64 * (6.022 × 10^23) = 3.854 × 10^23 atoms of Fe.

Therefore, there are approximately 3.854 × 10^23 iron atoms in 0.32 mol of Fe2O3.

To determine the number of iron atoms in 0.32 mol of Fe2O3, we need to first calculate the number of moles of iron in Fe2O3 and then convert it to the number of iron atoms.

The chemical formula Fe2O3 indicates that there are 2 iron (Fe) atoms in each formula unit of Fe2O3. So, for every 1 mol of Fe2O3, there are 2 moles of iron.

To calculate the number of moles of iron, we can use the molar mass of iron (Fe), which is 55.845 g/mol. The molar mass of Fe2O3 is 159.69 g/mol.

First, let's find the number of moles of Fe2O3 in 0.32 mol:
Number of moles of Fe2O3 = 0.32 mol

Next, let's calculate the number of moles of iron in 0.32 mol of Fe2O3:
Number of moles of Fe = 2 * Number of moles of Fe2O3
= 2 * 0.32 mol
= 0.64 mol

Finally, to convert the number of moles of iron to the number of iron atoms, we use Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 × 10^23 atoms/mol.

Number of iron atoms = Number of moles of Fe * Avogadro's number
= 0.64 mol * 6.022 × 10^23 atoms/mol
= 3.85168 × 10^23 atoms

Therefore, there are approximately 3.85168 × 10^23 iron atoms in 0.32 mol of Fe2O3.

g = moles x molar mass