Natasha drove from Bedingsfield to Portsmouth at an average speed of 100 km/h to attend a job interview. On the way back she decided to slow down to enjoy the scenery, so she drove at just 75 km.h, Her trip involved a total of 3.5 hours of driving time. What is the distance between Bedingsfield and Portsmouth?

Let D=distance (one-way)

Solve for D.

50 mi

To calculate the distance between Bedingsfield and Portsmouth, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's break down the problem:

1. Natasha drove from Bedingsfield to Portsmouth at an average speed of 100 km/h. Let's denote the distance between Bedingsfield and Portsmouth as "d1" and the time taken to cover this distance as "t1". Therefore, we have:

d1 = 100 km/h × t1

2. On the way back, Natasha decided to slow down to 75 km/h. Let's denote the distance between Portsmouth and Bedingsfield as "d2" and the time taken to cover this distance as "t2". Therefore, we have:

d2 = 75 km/h × t2

3. The total driving time for the trip is given as 3.5 hours. Therefore, the sum of the time taken to go one way and the time taken to return should equal 3.5 hours:

t1 + t2 = 3.5 hours

Now, we have a system of two equations:

d1 = 100 km/h × t1
d2 = 75 km/h × t2
t1 + t2 = 3.5 hours

To solve this system, we need to eliminate one of the variables. Let's solve for t1 in terms of t2 using the third equation:

t1 = 3.5 hours - t2

Substituting this into the first equation, we get:

d1 = 100 km/h × (3.5 hours - t2)

Now, we substitute the second equation into the third equation:

(100 km/h × 3.5 hours - 100 km/h × t2) + t2 = 3.5 hours

100 km/h × 3.5 hours - 100 km/h × t2 + t2 = 3.5 hours

350 km - 100 km/h × t2 + t2 = 3.5 hours

Simplifying, we get:

350 km - 75 km/h × t2 = 3.5 hours

Subtracting 350 km from both sides:

-75 km/h × t2 = 3.5 hours - 350 km

Dividing both sides by -75 km/h:

t2 = (3.5 hours - 350 km) / -75 km/h

Calculating this, we find:

t2 = -3 hours

This negative value indicates that the direction of travel is reversed. Therefore, we take the absolute value:

t2 = 3 hours

Now that we know the value of t2, we can substitute it into the third equation to find t1:

t1 = 3.5 hours - t2

t1 = 3.5 hours - 3 hours

t1 = 0.5 hours

Now, we can calculate the distances:

d1 = 100 km/h × t1

d1 = 100 km/h × 0.5 hours

d1 = 50 km

d2 = 75 km/h × t2

d2 = 75 km/h × 3 hours

d2 = 225 km

Finally, the total distance between Bedingsfield and Portsmouth is the sum of d1 and d2:

Total distance = d1 + d2

Total distance = 50 km + 225 km

Total distance = 275 km

Therefore, the distance between Bedingsfield and Portsmouth is 275 kilometers.