Snead Students have access to more E-Books than physical books at the Resource Center.

To verify whether Snead students have access to more e-books than physical books at the Resource Center, you can follow these steps:

1. Locate the website or online platform of the Resource Center affiliated with Snead College. This could typically be through the college's website or by searching for the specific Resource Center.

2. Once on the Resource Center's website, look for a section or tab related to library resources or e-books. This section will likely provide information and access to the e-books available to students.

3. Browse through the available e-books. Many Resource Centers implement a search function that allows users to look for specific books or browse through categories. You can search for specific books or explore the available categories to get an idea of the e-book collection.

4. Take note of the number of e-books available. Some libraries may display the total count on their website, while others may require you to search within their system to get an accurate quantity.

5. Now, you'll need to determine the number of physical books available at the Resource Center. This information may be provided on their website or via a librarian. You can reach out to the Resource Center directly or look for information related to their physical book collection online.

6. Compare the number of e-books to the number of physical books. If the Resource Center provides the information in the same format (e.g., total count), it should be relatively simple to establish whether Snead students have access to more e-books than physical books.

By following these steps, you should be able to confirm whether Snead students have access to more e-books than physical books at the Resource Center.