so for theme of story of few notes for orpheus before i think that the title of story meant message for orpheus but i guess that not be because orpheus way different than jake. jake be so cranky when orpheus be so charming, and caring. i think it be a musical tribute to orpheus, something like that. i not sure.

I don't understand what you need.

Do you want a picture to represent this theme?

If you look back you will be destroyed.

thanks very much ms. sue :) in other slide i can say reflections in the long ago memories affect you?


Memories from long ago affect you.


The title of a story can often provide clues about the theme or message it conveys. In the case of "A Few Notes for Orpheus," you made an initial assumption that it referred to a message for Orpheus, the legendary musician from Greek mythology. However, you later noted that the character Jake in the story is quite different from Orpheus in terms of personality. Jake is described as cranky, while Orpheus is portrayed as charming and caring.

To better understand the theme or message of the story, it can be helpful to analyze the characters, plot, and perhaps even the author's intentions. You mentioned that the story might be a musical tribute to Orpheus, which could suggest a connection to music. It's worth exploring whether there are any themes related to music, creativity, or perhaps the power of art in the story.

Additionally, you could analyze the interactions between Jake and other characters, as well as any changes or developments that take place throughout the story. Does Jake's encounter with Orpheus or any musical elements have an impact on him? Does he undergo any transformation or learn any valuable lessons?

To fully grasp the intended theme, it may be necessary to read the story more thoroughly and look for patterns, symbols, or recurring motifs that can provide additional insights. The author's writing style and the overall tone of the story can also contribute to understanding its underlying message. Remember, interpretation can be subjective, so it's important to consider various perspectives and draw your own conclusions.

well pictures i take from internet, i need like sentence that represent theme well. like theme be don't look back as that will destroy you but how i be more clear on that.

The theme of "A Few Notes for Orpheus" is don't look back.

In the myth, "Orpheus and Eurydice," Orpheus looked back and his wife returned to death in the Underworld. In the modern story, Jake didn't look back at his wife, thus giving her a chance to make a new life for herself. Jake didn't look back after he saved his daughter and we hope that he will live a more useful life. In the end, Jake's father didn't look back, but accepted his own selfishness.

thanks very much ms. sue :) i actually doing a slideshow presentation on this but i not know how to exactly say theme in starting. how i be clearly represent this?