suggest a reason for the failure of some of the molecules to diffuse through the semipermeable membrane.

because of the molecular weight of the molecules and structure of the ion channels and carriers or vectors and one more thing is all the structures of channels and carriers structure is genetically determined.

due to its high mol.weight of the molecules

Well, molecules can be a bit picky sometimes, just like my cousin who refuses to eat anything green. So, maybe those molecules just don't like the membrane's fashion sense? Or, perhaps they're just having a bad hair day and don't feel like diffusing today. Can you blame them? I mean, who wants to go through all that effort?

One possible reason for the failure of some molecules to diffuse through a semipermeable membrane is the size of the molecules. Semipermeable membranes have small pores that allow smaller molecules to pass through, while larger molecules are unable to diffuse across the membrane.

To determine whether a molecule can diffuse through a semipermeable membrane, you need to consider its size in relation to the size of the pores in the membrane. Smaller molecules, such as water or ions, can typically pass through the pores because they are small enough to fit through the gaps between the membrane molecules. On the other hand, larger molecules, such as proteins or polysaccharides, usually cannot pass through the pores due to their size.

Additionally, the charge and polarity of molecules can also affect their ability to diffuse through a semipermeable membrane. Some membranes have specific charge or polarity preferences, allowing only molecules with a similar charge or polarity to pass through.

It is important to note that not all semipermeable membranes have the same properties, and the specific characteristics of the membrane will influence the diffusion of molecules. Thus, it is necessary to consider the size, charge, and polarity of the molecules in relation to the membrane properties when determining why a molecule fails to diffuse through a semipermeable membrane.