
Please help me work out this problem and show your work

First multiply both sides by 5, then combine like terms.

20t + 70 = 6t + 35

I am assuming that you have no typos.


To solve the equation 4t + 14 = 6t/5 + 7, start by simplifying both sides of the equation.

First, multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction:

5(4t + 14) = 5(6t/5 + 7)
20t + 70 = 6t + 35

Now, let's isolate the variable t on one side:

Subtract 6t from both sides:
20t + 70 - 6t = 6t + 35 - 6t
14t + 70 = 35

Next, let's isolate the term with t:

Subtract 70 from both sides:
14t + 70 - 70 = 35 - 70
14t = -35

Finally, solve for t by dividing both sides of the equation by 14:

14t/14 = -35/14
t = -2.5

So the solution to the equation is t = -2.5.

By following these steps, you can solve the given equation.