According to Peter Saundry, there is no true universal code of ethics because standards ods conduct vary from place to place and time to time. True or False

To verify whether the statement is true or false, we need to examine the perspective of Peter Saundry regarding the existence of a universal code of ethics. However, as an AI language model, my responses are generated based on a large dataset of information and I do not have specific access to the opinions or perspectives of individuals.

To find out if Peter Saundry has indeed expressed the viewpoint that there is no true universal code of ethics, you can try searching for articles, interviews, or other publications where Peter Saundry discusses this topic. Look for reliable sources, such as scholarly articles or reputable media outlets, to gain a comprehensive understanding of his stance on a universal code of ethics. By examining different sources, you can assess whether the statement in question is true or false based on expert opinions.