The volume of a gas at 24�C and 0.21 atm is 36 mL. What volume will the same gas sample occupy at standard conditions?

(p1v1/t1) = (p2v2/t2)

To determine the volume the gas will occupy at standard conditions, we can use the ideal gas law. The ideal gas law is represented by the equation: PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

First, we need to convert the given temperature from Celsius to Kelvin. To do this, we add 273.15 to the given temperature:
T = 24 + 273.15 = 297.15 K

Next, we can rearrange the ideal gas law equation to solve for the volume at standard conditions:
V2 = (V1 * P1 * T2) / (P2 * T1)

V1 = 36 mL
P1 = 0.21 atm
T1 = 297.15 K
P2 = standard pressure = 1 atm
T2 = standard temperature = 273.15 K

Substituting the given values into the equation:
V2 = (36 mL * 0.21 atm * 273.15 K) / (1 atm * 297.15 K)

V2 ≈ 28.80 mL

Therefore, the volume the gas sample will occupy at standard conditions is approximately 28.80 mL.