What is the nearest number of 481, 671, 1781,2021, 1111, 320,501. From 1000

To find the nearest number to 1000 from the given numbers, you can subtract each number from 1000 and find the absolute value of the result. The number with the smallest absolute value will be the nearest to 1000.

Let's calculate the differences from 1000:

481 - 1000 = 519
671 - 1000 = 329
1781 - 1000 = 781
2021 - 1000 = 1021
1111 - 1000 = 111
320 - 1000 = 680
501 - 1000 = 499

Taking the absolute value of each difference gives:

|519| = 519
|329| = 329
|781| = 781
|1021| = 1021
|111| = 111
|680| = 680
|499| = 499

Now, we can see that the smallest absolute difference is 111 from the number 1111. Therefore, the nearest number to 1000 from the given numbers is 1111.