Q1) For the reaction, A �¨ B,

ƒ¢H�‹ = +11.00 kJ mol-1 and Keq is 12.50

Calculate i) ƒ¢G�‹ and ii) ƒ¢S�‹ at 25 �‹C.

[0 �‹C = 273.15 K; R = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1]

To calculate ƒ¢G�‹ (change in Gibbs free energy) and ƒ¢S�‹ (change in entropy) for the given reaction at 25 �‹C, we can use the following equations:

i) ƒ¢G�‹ = -RTln(Keq)

ii) ƒ¢G�‹ = ƒ¢H�‹ - Tƒ¢S�‹

Let's solve these equations step by step.

i) Calculate ƒ¢G�‹:
In the equation ƒ¢G�‹ = -RTln(Keq), we have the values of R and T. R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J K-1 mol-1), and T is the temperature in Kelvin (25 �‹C = 25 + 273.15 K).

Now, substitute the values into the equation:
ƒ¢G�‹ = - (8.314 J K-1 mol-1)(25 + 273.15 K)ln(12.50)

Use the natural logarithm (ln) function to calculate the logarithm value.

ii) Calculate ƒ¢S�‹:
In the equation ƒ¢G�‹ = ƒ¢H�‹ - Tƒ¢S�‹, we already know the values of ƒ¢G�‹ and T (25 �‹C = 25 + 273.15 K). We can rearrange the equation to solve for ƒ¢S�‹:

ƒ¢S�‹ = (ƒ¢H�‹ - ƒ¢G�‹) / T

Substitute the known values:
ƒ¢S�‹ = (11.00 kJ/mol - (-RTln(Keq))) / (25 + 273.15 K)

Convert the temperature into Kelvin.

Now, solve the equation using the calculated ƒ¢G�‹ value.

By following these steps, you can calculate ƒ¢G�‹ and ƒ¢S�‹ for the given reaction at 25 �‹C.