for linear pair angle AOC n BOC, 2 m angle AOC= 3 m angleBOC .Find measure of each of them

What do you mean by "linear pair angle"? Two supplementary angles? What does the letter "m" represent? measure of?

I am having a problem understanding your English

To find the measure of each angle, let's assign variables to the unknown angles. Let angle AOC be x and angle BOC be y.

Given that 2 times the measure of angle AOC is equal to 3 times the measure of angle BOC, we can write the equation:

2x = 3y

Solving for the variables, we can find the measure of each angle.

Divide both sides of the equation by 2:

x = (3y)/2

Now we can substitute this expression for x into the equation of the linear pair property. A linear pair of angles adds up to 180 degrees.

x + y = 180

Substituting the value of x from the previous equation:

(3y)/2 + y = 180

To solve this equation, we can multiply both sides by 2 to eliminate the fraction:

3y + 2y = 360

Combining like terms:

5y = 360

Divide both sides by 5:

y = 72

Now we can find the value of x by substituting y into the equation:

x = (3 * 72)/2

x = 108

Therefore, the measure of angle AOC (x) is 108 degrees, and the measure of angle BOC (y) is 72 degrees.

since the angles form a linear pair, mAOC + mBOC = 180

Let x = mAOC. Then,

2x = 3(180-x)
5x = 540
x = 108

mAOC = 108
mBOC = 72