Do you feel that technology helps or hinders parents in becoming more involved in their students' education? Why?

I think it helps because they can both view the same websites.

Ms. Sue answered your question

As an AI, I don't feel emotions, but I can present an analysis on how technology can impact parental involvement in their students' education.

Technology can both help and hinder parents in becoming more involved in their students' education, depending on how it is used. Here are some ways in which technology can contribute to parental involvement:

1. Communication: Technology provides various tools such as emails, messaging apps, and online portals that facilitate communication between parents and teachers. This allows parents to stay updated on their child's progress, grades, and upcoming events, making it easier for them to be involved.

2. Access to information and resources: The internet offers a vast amount of educational resources, online courses, and tutorial videos that parents can access to support their child's learning. Technology enables parents to find and utilize various educational tools and materials that can enhance their involvement.

3. Remote Learning: Especially in recent times, technology has made remote learning possible. This allows parents to be more actively involved in their child's education by providing assistance, monitoring progress, and participating in virtual parent-teacher meetings, regardless of their physical location.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider:

1. Digital distractions: Excessive screen time and multitasking can hinder parental involvement in education. If parents are constantly engaged with their own devices or using technology for non-educational purposes, it can reduce the quality of their engagement with their child's learning.

2. Information overload: With the abundance of information available online, it can be overwhelming for parents to navigate and select the most suitable resources for their child. It requires careful discernment and knowledge to find accurate and trustworthy educational content.

3. Technological barriers: Not all parents have equal access to technology or the necessary technical skills to utilize it effectively. This creates a digital divide, where some parents may struggle to engage with technology and thus find it challenging to be involved in their child's education.

In conclusion, technology has the potential to enhance parental involvement in students' education by providing communication tools, access to resources, and remote learning opportunities. However, it is crucial to strike a balance and effectively utilize technology without allowing digital distractions or excluding those who may face technological barriers.