The perimeter of rectangle ABCD is 256 inches. It's length is 3 times as long as its width. Find the area of triangle ABC.

U for got to divide by 1/2 it should be 1,536

To find the area of triangle ABC, we first need to determine the length and width of the rectangle.

Let's assume that the width of the rectangle is "w" inches. Since the length of the rectangle is 3 times as long as its width, the length would be 3w inches.

The perimeter of a rectangle is calculated by adding the lengths of all four sides. In this case, we have two sides with length w and two sides with length 3w. Thus, the perimeter is:

Perimeter = 2w + 2(3w)
256 = 2w + 6w

Simplifying the equation, we get:
256 = 8w

Dividing both sides by 8:
w = 32

Now that we know the width, we can find the length:
Length = 3w = 3 * 32 = 96

The area of a triangle can be calculated using the formula A = (base * height) / 2. In this case, triangle ABC is a right triangle, and the base and height coincide with the length and width of the rectangle.

So, the area of triangle ABC is:
A = (96 * 32) / 2
A = (3072) / 2
A = 1536 square inches

Therefore, the area of triangle ABC is 1536 square inches.

P= 2(L+B)

258= 2( 3x + 1x)
258= 2 ( 4x )
258= 8
86cm 258 1/2 6
A= B*H 1/2
= 43* 86 1/2
=3698cm 1/2 = 1849 cm2

width --- x

length --- 3x

2(x+3x) = 256
8x = 256
x = 32

width = 32
length = 96
Area = 32(96) = 3072