Jake tell that some families grow like trees....

to what does he compare his own family? what be im plied by this comparison? Do he express this symbolic meaning explcitly ?

it be that he tell his family not close with each other. everyone be far apart from eachother and be like telehophone phones along highway that have no link up with eachother. they have no contact with eachother. i not get the other parts.

You've answered all of these questions correctly.

thanks ms. sue :)

You're welcome, Mohammad.

Jake is comparing his own family to a tree when he says "some families grow like trees." By making this comparison, he is implying that families can grow and develop over time, just like trees that begin as a small seed and gradually grow into a strong and interconnected structure.

The symbolic meaning implied by this comparison is that a healthy and strong family should have close bonds and connections with each other. Just as branches of a tree grow and spread out but remain connected to the trunk, family members should have a sense of togetherness and support.

Based on the information you provided, it seems that Jake is expressing the symbolic meaning implicitly rather than explicitly. He describes his family as being "far apart from each other" and lacking contact, which suggests a lack of connection and closeness. This implies that Jake perceives his family as lacking the interconnectedness and support typically associated with a close-knit family unit.