I have write a evaluation essay on the movie Troop 1500. So my thesis is -Taking daughters to see their mothers in jail should be a program of it's own.-

I don't know if my topic sentence is correct:

One reason a program should be made separate for daughters who want to reconnect with their mothers is because......

That sounds correct to me

its (no apostrophe when it doesn't mean "it is")

Your topic sentence is a good start, but it can be improved to better reflect the main point of your essay. Here's a revised version:

"A separate program dedicated to reuniting daughters with their incarcerated mothers should be established due to the unique needs and challenges they face in maintaining a meaningful relationship."

In this revised topic sentence, you not only highlight the need for a separate program but also mention the specific reason behind it, which is the unique circumstances faced by daughters seeking to reconnect with their mothers in jail. This topic sentence sets the stage for the supporting points you will discuss in your essay.