Is a trapezoid also a parallelogram? Explain why or why not.

No, it is not since it has only one pair of parallel sides. In a parallelogram, both pairs of opposite sides are parallel and equal.

Trapeziod needs just 2 sides to be parrelel. Parallelogram requires all sides to be parallel.

my teacher dose not teach us that

No, a trapezoid is not a parallelogram. These two shapes have different properties.

To explain why, we need to understand the definitions of both a trapezoid and a parallelogram.

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides. This means that it has two sides that are parallel to each other, but the other pair of sides is not necessarily parallel. The non-parallel sides can have different lengths.

On the other hand, a parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length. This means that a parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides.

Based on these definitions, we can see that a trapezoid does not have opposite pairs of sides that are parallel, unlike a parallelogram.

In summary, a trapezoid is not a parallelogram because it has only one pair of parallel sides, while a parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides.